
Mediation is a dispute resolution process and is often the best alternative to prolonged negotiation or costly litigation to help resolve conflicts outside of Court.


Our Mediation Services

The attorney mediators at Barber & Waxman have extensive experience in the field of family law and offer the following Mediation services:

  • Court ordered and voluntary mediation;

  • Mediation for individuals who do not have attorneys;

  • Mediation for individuals who have attorneys but who want to try to reach agreement in mediation without their attorneys present; and

  • Mediators for attorneys and their clients who want an experienced family law practitioner to assist with settlement in mediation with counsel.

About Mediation in Divorce and Family Law

Divorce and family law mediation gives participants more control over determining their futures by engaging in discussions with the guidance of a skilled family law mediator. Mediators do not represent either party. A mediator is a neutral professional who meets with the parties in an effort to reach a negotiated settlement.

How does Mediation Work?

During the mediation process the mediator helps the parties identify issues and areas of dispute and engages the parties in discussion of options and possible ways to resolve their differences. Mediation is oriented to solving problems rather than placing blame or finding fault.

In mediation, the decision whether to settle is always up to the parties; the mediator has no authority to impose settlement on participants. Mediation allows for confidentiality and is an alternative to litigation where parties want to resolve conflict outside of court.

Parties to mediation are expected to participate in the process in good faith and to voluntarily provide each other the information needed to reach a fair and equitable resolution.

Mediators work with the parties to fashion financial agreements that are tailored to their specific circumstances. The mediator helps parents with children develop custody arrangements and parenting plans that focus on the best interest of their children.

The goal of mediation is to reduce the economic and emotional costs of divorce by reaching an agreement that works best for the participants and family.

While mediation is often used by divorcing spouses, mediation can also be used to resolve any type of conflict that occurs in families, between individuals, in post-divorce and blended families.