Prenuptial Agreements

As experienced and thorough family law attorneys, we offer skilled and sensitive guidance in the preparation of your prenuptial agreement.


While admittedly not a particularly romantic process, the purpose of a prenuptial agreement is to contemplate the possibility of a divorce and to define in advance the resolution of certain issues in order to avoid litigation at a later time.

Prenuptial agreements are particularly useful when one party or both parties are bringing something of substantial value in the form of assets, investments and/or real or personal property into the marriage. We are experienced with complicated, high-asset prenuptial agreements.

We thoroughly address complex financial issues such as assets involving business valuations, pension and retirement plans, stock portfolios and real property.

Both matrimonial and financial matters are highly personal and often emotionally charged. Knowing what to expect in the course of a legal matter can help ease the stress.

When you entrust your case to us, we strive to keep you fully informed about the status of your case and to make sure you know what to expect.